Happy New Year! On behalf of the Wandsworth Council Conservative group, I wanted to share a message of optimism for Wandsworth, as well as some useful information about Christmas tree collection and Council services as we enter the new year.
Supporting the most vulnerable with the cost of living
At this time of year, we all think especially of the most vulnerable. Recently, we were pleased to support new schemes providing help for less well-off families locally.
We are glad that the government's extraordinary Cost of Living support is there for those on low incomes and fuel bill support for everyone. If you need more information you can find it here: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/get-help-with-the-cost-of-living/
There are also some things we hope the new Labour Council will choose to do in 2023, such as following our lead and keeping bills low for residents, like we did when we cut Council Tax and froze fuel bills when we were in charge last year.
Tackling crime
Your Conservative councillors are running a programme of walkabouts with the police, 20mph Speedwatch sessions and Safer Neighbourhood Panels throughout 2023. If you'd like us to raise a particular issue with the police in your part of the borough, please contact your local Conservative team. You can find out who your local councillors are, and how to contact them, by pressing the 'people' button at the top of this page.
Helping our high streets and communities
In early December, Conservative councillors were out and about supporting Small Business Saturday. This year, we'll carry on making a case for more investment to keep our local shopping parades vibrant and our small businesses thriving. Please let us know what you think.
With big milestones this year on transport and regeneration schemes across the borough, we’ll be working to ensure better housing and regeneration across Wandsworth, with quality as important as quantity.
The war in Ukraine
We recently voted to make Wandsworth a "borough of sanctuary" officially. We are proud that Wandsworth has been among the areas that have welcomed the most refugees since the start of the conflict.
On a visit to Kyiv in early December, one of our councillors delivered a letter to President Zelenskyy signed by the whole Conservative group pledging our continued support for both Ukraine and refugees in Wandsworth.
Christmas tree collections and Council services
Scheduled Christmas tree collections will occur Monday to Friday from Tuesday 3rd to Monday 16th of January 2023. Please leave your Christmas tree next to your refuse on your usual refuse collection.
The Council Customer Centre re-opens for appointment-only service for specific council services including Parking, Blue Badge applications, Council Tax and Housing Benefits has now re-opened (on 3 January 2023). Instead of visiting the Customer Centre, you can also report, apply or pay online for these services at www.wandsworth.gov.uk/rap.
Getting the basics right - let us know your views
As we enter 2023, we will continue to focus on making sure the Council gets the basics right. Things like rubbish collection, fixing potholes, removing graffiti and street cleaning. If you have problems in your street, don't hesitate to get in touch with your local Conservative ward councillors. If you tell us, we can help – you can find their contact details by clicking the 'people' button at the top of this page.
Finally, if you have any suggestions that you would like to make about how we can support you, your neighbours or your business, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you. Wishing you a happy 2023!
Best wishes,
Cllr Will Sweet
Leader of the Opposition
Wandsworth Council Conservatives